Sunday 27 September 2009

Money Saving Tip: Food Shop Online

Shopping for food online has transformed my life! I wish I'd discovered it earlier. Like a lot of people, I had heard about it but hadn't tried it out. With no car (I can drive but I haven't passed my test) and two young children, I had to do something to make for a stress-less shopping experience.

Benefits of Online Food Shopping
1. With no car you don't have to battle with shopping bags on a packed bus

2. With no car you don't have to battle with shopping bags, a one year old in a pushchair and a three year old child who has a mind of her own, and who may suddenly choose to display terrible-threes behaviour.

3.You won't buy out all the food on the reduced shelves - food that you don't usually buy / that you'll end up throwing away because the use buy date was too soon for you to eat it in (hence why it's reduced)

4. You can see the cost of the total items you put in the trolley, instead of having it tilled up by the cashier and trying to play it cool when she shocks you with the total of your shop. Online, you can remove an item if your shopping is going over your budget.

5.You can spend all the time you want looking at the ingredients, fat,sugar,salt, wheat or pork content etc of products.

6.You won't have other household members (children, partners) asking you to buy or just putting items into the trolley without you knowing. You don't even need to tell them you're ordering shopping. It's just you and the computer.

7. You can have a delete as applicable cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate/ glass of wine while shopping.

8. You can do other household tasks while shopping - do the laundary, cooking etc or even watching tv.

9. You don't have to get dressed up and put your make up on to do the shopping.

10.Shopping offline is hungry work (or maybe we've conditioned our minds to believe so). By shopping online, there's no need to then spend extra money buying MacDonalds, KFC etc after buying all that food. Just open your fridge or cupboards and eat what's there.

Does anyone have any other benefits to food shopping online?

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