Thursday 5 November 2009

Own your own business for just £25

Just a quick note to let you know that you can still own your own business for just £25, with Usborne books.
Over 300 people joined and benefitted from the special offer in October. It has now been extended into the month of November to give more people a chance to join. And for those of you who were in two minds about joining: don't pass up this second chance to join.
Remember, (as mentioned in my previous blog)you can join to either start a home-based business OR join to make extra money just for Christmas and use the books you receive in your starter pack for Christmas pressies. NB: The Starter kit is worth over £100
I enjoy selling Usborne books and enjoy the positive feedback customers give me when they and their child(ren)/grandchild(ren) have read an Usborne book.
For more information on joining Usborne click here for

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