Wednesday 5 May 2010

Emergency Cash Generator

I just finished reading a very interesting and fun new

eBook today. It shows you how to make extra money when
the unexpected comes up -- like when your car breaks down
or an unexpected bill pops up.
The eBook is called Emergency Cash Generators. It doesn't
just give a bunch of ideas but also tells you HOW to do them.

For example, one idea shows you how to make money fixing
spelling errors on other people's websites. It goes into a lot
of detail to show you how to find the websites that need
fixing, how to easily find the spelling errors and how to get
the website owner to pay you. It even includes a link checker
that gives you a report of broken links on the website -- it is
really cool and a great idea for making money.

Here is another one -- how to make money with eBay without
having to stock or ship products. This is really neat and it
even includes a downloadable video which takes you step
by step though a live auction that shows exactly how to do this.
I could go on and on. There are just loads and loads of ideas
that you can do.

You'll learn about a 17 year old girl who earns $500.00 a week
during summer vacation -- all the while doing something she
loves to do.
Or how about the woman that makes $1000.00 a week with a
special 14 word classified ad she runs in her local paper.

There is something for everyone here.

Do you have a plan for making extra money when you need it?

To find out more click here :

This eBook has my highest recommendations.

Another idea  I thought was really interesting: A special card that costs you about 75 cents to
have printed that brings in $20.00. The best thing is YOU
don't even have to sell the cards. Complete details are included.
Click here 

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