Thursday 7 January 2010

A New Year

A Happy New Year to you!
I hope you had a great Christmas and are ready for the year ahead.
Have you made any New Year's resolutions? If you have, have you started implementing them? Don't procrastinate or the days will turn into weeks into months...and before you know it its almost Christmas 2010! Aarh!
One resolution for me, is with my blog. Each week I will include blog posts containing the usual sales and discount news, but also money saving tips. I will also include a weekly posting about working from home as well as a weekly miscellaneous posting, which could include anything from being organised, fitness & healthy eating to educational & play resources for children.
I hope you continue to check back regularly and enjoy this blog. Please comment on postings, as I would love to hear from you.
Have an exciting year ahead.
***Enter into a competition on my gifts website, and WIN a gorgeous Triple Keepsake box for a girl. You don't have to answer any questions, just sign up to receive a newsletter containing special offers, discounts and other competitions that I'll have regularly on my site.
Be quick though, as the competition is only open throughout January 2010. To have this FREE keepsake box click here Good luck.

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